Friday, February 3, 2012

29 Must-Haves for 29 Days: Day 3

Remember my "Pen Problem"??  Well, if you don't, all you really need to know is I'm a crazy pen lady, so when I recommend a certain type of pen it's only because it's completely and utterly amazing. 

Hi-Tec-C Pens are completely and utterly amazing. I write small, so the fact that they're available in .25, .3, .4, and .5 mm is PERFECT for precise lines!! I personally own them in .3 and .4. They're available here or here

These pens are WILDLY popular in Asia.  When I was in Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea, and China last year, I was the super chic American for knowing about them and having them in lots of colors (yes, having the right pen can make you super chic in case you weren't aware...). Not surprisingly, they're popular in Asia because they write with characters. 

If you have slightly larger handwriting (or if you write particularly fast), I would go with the .4 mm. Otherwise, the .3 mm is my preference. 

Are you a pen addict? Is it just me? Because I'm really okay with it if it's just me. I can totally handle it. 

Oh, speaking of my pen craziness, I just have to share the most awesome quote from this week. 
One of my coworkers speaking to me (ABOUT MY CRAZY PEN OCD TENDENCIES): "Kelly, I'm starting to get a better idea for the fragile space that you occupy in this world. I'm going to be more careful around you from now on." 

Good. Really good. As long as people stay away from my pens... we're good. 


  1. you are so cute..i am a bit of a pen addict too..bad pens make your handwriting look horrible and that, my dear friend, is no fun
