Wednesday, February 8, 2012

29 Must-Haves for 29 Days: Day 8 + a Shop Talk Interview + a GIVEAWAY!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a triple threat today! Not only are we continuing my top Must-haves for February, but I also reached out to co-founder of Linnea's Lights (today's must have), Laura Cler, for a few reasons: 1. to express my love for her amazing candles, 2. to ask her if she'd be interested in giving one of her delicious candles away to a lucky reader (she said yes!), and 3. to ask her a few questions about her business and revive my long-lost Shop Talk series

I hope you've had your coffee this morning. Here we go: 

I consider myself to be a bit of a candle connoisseur, and Linnea's Lights have quickly become favorite candle. Period- end of discussion. OK, OK, I'll elaborate. The packaging is adorable (and environmentally friendly), the scents are amazing (they fill a room- but aren't too strong), and the larger double wick candle lasts up to 60 hours. I'm hooked. *Can I enter my own giveaway??? Joking... sort of. 

Moving right along.. to the "Shop Talk Interview": 

Three words to describe yourself:
  thoughtful,  vivacious, creative

Where do you find inspiration? 
traveling, life experiences, books and magazines, family and friends, and my children

What's the best business advice you've ever been given?
 Be creative, work hard, and never give up. 

What would your dream project be? 
  I would love to create a non-profit arm of Linnea's Lights that would give back to society on a local and national level. 

What businesswomen do you look up to?
  Oprah, Estee Lauder, Coco Chanel

What advice do you have to entrepreneurs-to-be? 
Do what you love the most, do it with passion &  with a sense of humor and always, always treat others with respect.

If you could splurge on any one item for yourself, what would it be?  
really beautiful vintage timepiece. 

*Doesn't Laura just sound lovely!? I couldn't agree more with her advice to entrepreneurs-to-be. Spot on. Good advice in general, really. 

And now for the third and final part of today's post. The Giveaway. One lucky reader will win one of the larger, double-wick candles, in one of her new spring fragrances: Violet. 

Contest winner will be announced Wednesday, February 15. 
*To enter please be a follower of my blog.*

-Please leave a comment (as usual, saying whatever you like). 
-For an additional entry: tweet about the giveaway with a link back to this post. Leave a comment to let me know you've done so. 
-For an additional entry: blog about the giveaway with a link back to this post. Leave a comment to let me know you've done so. 

PHEW! Excitement overload today. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted! 

Have a lovely Wednesday!! 


  1. That candle makes me feel calm and serene just looking at it. Pick me! :)

  2. I could just see myself burning these candles in my bedroom.

  3. I would love one! I especially love to have a candle lit wgen cleaning the house.. Seems more cheerful.
    Jen H

  4. As a bubble bath taking addict, I use my candles whenever I am drawing the bath water. The scents and the gentle flickering lights always bring me a simple and easy ZEN feeling.

  5. I love a good candle. It makes a home feel so cozy:)

  6. I love candles and always have one lit when I am home. Would LOVE to win this.

  7. Love candles--- seriously I'm out of control w/ them- great giveaway :) Lisa
