Thursday, February 9, 2012

29 must-Haves for 29 Days: Day 9

Happy Thursday, everyone! Did you have a chance to check out the awesome giveaway I announced yesterday? If not, please do; I arranged this myself specifically for you all. I hope you're excited! 

Moving on to today's must have: 

Another must-have that I currently don't have. Like many of you, I'm a neon lover. Remember this post? I LOVE PureEssentia on etsy. If you're looking for hand-painted neon rhinestone jewelry (because, really, isn't everyone looking for this?), this is the place to go. 

I've been envisioning one of these necklaces with a dress I love from BCBG

To me, this looks like a perfect outfit for our Vegas trip. I think this needs to happen. 

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