Friday, January 21, 2011

Organization Domination: Magazines!

With the start of the new year and the weather being dreadful, I've been trying to organize odds and ends around the house and get rid of things that aren't being used. First on my list to tackle was all of my magazines. I had piles of them throughout the house. I was starting to feel like a hoarder! Enter Wal-Mart. I've actually been having some luck at Wal-Mart over the last few months!!  I purchased nine magazine holders and a few other boxes as well. Et voila! Magazines = Organized!

I still have plenty of space for a few months too

I'm using the other two boxes for random photos for now. 

I used these document boxes to store the cards and notes I've received over the last few years. 

They're pretty cute and extremely cheap!!

Have a wonderful weekend! My plans include:

Eating these:

Drinking this: 

And heading to the Scott Antique Market tomorrow with my sister! Hopefully I'll have some great photos to post of our treasure-hunting adventure! 




  1. How exciting that you are going to Scott's Antique Market! I can't wait to see what you find.

  2. Ooooo, antiquing is so much fun, I'm feeling a little jealous (c: I'm such a sucker for an organized closet...they're just so pretty! Btw, I'm always so glad to find other law school's nice to know someone else is being tortured like you! haha...not really. (c:
