Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jumping the gun

I hate to admit it, but I have New Year's Eve on my mind. This year we'll be spending NYE here. I'm pretty excited, you see, so I've been thinking about what to wear for a few weeks now. Here's what I have in mind currently:

The good news is I have everything except the dress. I'm told the party is a masquerade (you know how much I love those)! Even if it's not, I'll be wearing a mask and forcing others to do the same. That's how I roll. Oh, and the lipstick, it's Heat Wave.  The last time I wore it Christopher asked if I had been drinking Kool-AidI'd like to think I'm gutsy enough to wear it for NYE; maybe I can make Kool-Aid-stained-looking-lips sexy, or maybe I'll drink enough champagne that I won't care.... 

Thoughts on the outfit?! 


  1. This looks perfect!

    Lindsey Turner

  2. Those shoes are killer!

  3. That outfit is gorgeous! So jealous you're going to a masquerade for NYE!

  4. Kelly - I will need a RED mask to go with my RED dress though!! :)

  5. This dress at Talbots might work for you. Over the holiday weekend they were offering 50% off one item.
