Well, hellloooo there! It's been awhile. I had a GREAT break, and if I'm being completely honest, I'm a little sad and apprehensive to get back into the swing of things. Big girl panties, big girl panties.
Mr. Frankel and I spent a few days with my family over Christmas back home:
I spent lots of time with this little girl. She gives the cutest "dirty looks" I've ever seen.
Then we headed to Scottsdale and spent a few days with Mr. Frankel's family:
We spent NYE in Scottsdale as well, and I'm sorry to report that the masks I packed never left my suitcase. *Don't worry, I'll wear them on some random night and put them to good use.
We made it back to Indiana on Sunday afternoon. On Monday it snowed for the first time this season. Lovely.
At least it's a four day work week. Big girl panties....
Happy Tuesday!

Looks like you enjoyed the holidays! So fun that you were in my city! Wasn't the weather amazing?! Only in Arizona can you lay out in December! Kelli