Today, though, is a very special day. Obviously it's Wednesday, so we're going to do our normal bag post, but today I'm SO freaking excited to have Sheridan French from The Southern Eclectic share the contents of her bag. I'm sure most of my blog friends are fans of Sheridan, but for all of my non-blogging family and friends, if there was ever a blog to visit, it's Sheridan's. Did I mention she has her own clothing line (and it's great, by the way), a beautiful family, and a completely down-to-earth dispostion???
I'll stop blabbing. I'm guessing most of you started scrolling down the minute you read "Sheridan French" anyways.... :)
*Sheridan informed me that she switched away from carrying her diaper bag this week as her children did an overnight with their grandparents.

Inside Sheridan's bag:
- Prada alligator wallet
- Sheridan French Spring 2011 Lookbook
- iPhone headphones
- Keys with crocodile purple "S" keychain
- Coconut Cream Pie Larabar
- iPhone
- X5 car key
- Ray Ban Aviators and case
- Nars concealer stick in Honey
- Nars lipstick in Barbarella
- Essie nail polish in Fiji
- Canon Elph camera
- Fingerless cashmere gloves from St. Andrews, Scotland
- L'Oreal Voluminous Mascara (the BEST! Haven't used anything else since 8th grade).
- Two sizes of pacifiers
- Two sizes of diapers
- Kids Clif Bar fruit rope
- Necklace from honeymoon in Bora Bora
- Prada men's necklace with Prada star keychain hooked on
- File of work papers
- Hot Wheels motorcycle toy
There you have it, folks! I don't know about you guys, but I NEVER tire of seeing what other girls have in their bags. I LOVE the fingerless cashmere gloves, and I also find myself carrying an extra necklace in my purse (I have no idea why I do that actually). I just love how Sheridan has a Prada wallet, pacifiers, and a necklace from Bora Bora all in her bag!! Such a fun mix.
Thanks again, Sheridan, for spilling the contents of your bag all over the floor so we could take a peak inside!! :)

Gorge bag! Found you thru Aubrey's blog.