I've been seeing this stuff everywhere lately- at least the veneer version. I did some checking, and it is EX-pensive!!! Apparently it's in very short supply. Oh, but it is beautiful!!! It's masculine and glamorous all at once; yes, Dad, I just described wood as being "masculine and glamorous".
Good news: Mr. Frankel likes it too. Someday, when if (?) we build a house my walk-in closet is going to have a Macassar ebony island. I'm not quite certain we'll actually ever build a house, but if we ever do I will be SURE there is an island in my closet. I promise you that.
I love seeing it paired with brass, chrome, or white lacquer. So what do you think? Have you seen Macassar ebony around lately; quite a few retailers are using it in their stores now. I think I love it as much as I love burled wood. Oh my.
I LOVE this stuff! When we stayed at the Mr. C hotel in Beverly Hills this past summer, they have a huge lobby bar made out of it. Paired with lots of dark jade green accents, crystal, and Eames chairs and OMG it was amazing.